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Presented herein is a dynamic ultrasonographic study of soft tissue state in the area of a postoperative wound in 165 patients in order to determine rational policy of postoperative following up of the patient. The patients were subdivided into three groups: Group I - after an operative intervention for surgical pathology of abdominal and retroperitoneal organs; Group II - after herniotomy with combined plasty with a meshed endograft (Surgpro-mesh); Group III - after allografting of the aorta, major arteries of the lower limbs and neck. All patients after the surgical intervention were subjected to an ultrasonographic study of soft tissues of the abdominal wall, lower extremities, and neck in the B-mode in order to reveal pathological alterations, with determining the size, structure and indication of localization in relation to the surface of the skin; five cases suspected for infection of the process were subjected to duplex scanning of soft tissues around the focus revealed; detecting pathological alterations around the vessel or the graft after grafting of major vessels was followed by duplex scanning in order to determine the haemodynamic situation in the vessel or graft. The findings obtained suggest specificity of postoperative alterations characteristic of different surgical interventions, the revealing of which allows the surgeons to determine the policy of rational management of the patient, thus decreasing the risk of purulent complications in the area of the postoperative wound.



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Aim: was to estimate the diagnostic value of MRI (qualitative and tumor size analysis) in the evaluation of preoperative chemotherapy in patients with soft tissue sarcomas on different stages of examination.

Material and methods: we analyzed data of 74 patients with soft tissue sarcomas. All patients underwent MRI. Patients were examined before, in the middle and at the end of the course of the preoperative chemotherapy

Results: the sensitivity (predilection of Grade III-IV pathologic response) of qualitative MRI signs in the middle of the neoadjuvant chemotherapy (after 2-3 cycles) was 73%, the specificity (predilection of Grade I-II pathologic response) was 88%; 69% and 100% for maximum tumor size evaluation, correspondingly At the end of the preoperative treatment, values of the sensitivity and specificity of qualitative MRI signs decreased to 50% and 78%, respectively, the sensitivity of maximum tumor size estimation decreased to 31%, while specificity remained the same -100%.

Conclusion: MRI with qualitative and tumor size analysis is an informative method in assessment of preoperative chemotherapy of soft tissue sarcomas.



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